nicole calder
is your organisation in need of a public speaker? someone who will captivate your audience in a real and relatable way? by sharing my struggles with my sexuality, not feeling good enough, and ultimately suicide, i believe i can offer your organisation a powerful and emotive presentation that can prompt change.
after hitting rock bottom in 2015, i felt compelled to share my story. for years i have been doing this in private conversations and through my writing, but i have felt i could have greater influence presenting to larger groups of individuals. with relationships a central focus in my life, i believe in collaborating with organisations to tailor my talks to the needs of the group i’m presenting to.
i have previously worked with westminster school to offer a presentation that focused on values, identity, and purpose – the concepts chosen by the year 12 students. i have also presented to sporting clubs to discuss concepts such as confidence, leadership, adversity, mental health, overcoming injuries, and rejection.
so if your organisation is seeking a guest speaker who epitomises what it means to be human, or if you have any questions about topics i am happy to present about, please contact me to see what experience we can create together.